Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"Monsters and Boys" by Smith

Once there was a little boy and he found a yellow monster, and he didn't eat him up.

Then there was another boy who didn't have a name. Then there was a monster.

Then there was another boy and he was walking in water, but not mud water.

Once there was another boy who was walking, walking in the mud water because there was a monster.

There was a caterpillar monster and another boy.

This is a monster. This is a boy.

Once there was a monster and a boy walking on a big snake (that wasn't real) and a mean monster.

Trick or treat. There was a boy and he was hanging upside down.

There were two monsters. There was a little boy walking in sinking water mud. He hopped out and there were two monsters.

These are bug boys. Once there [was] a bug boy who was flying who ate a worm. And he chomped and chewed, and there was a lighthouse.



Rachel said...

You know, Smith is really just so creative. His little mind, and now his art skills too! Chase doesn't really get into drawing - and when he does the details are nothing like this. I love that you are writing down his descriptions of the pictures.

Adam said...

He actually wasn't describing the pictures. He told Whitley that he was writing a book, and then told her the words that he wanted her to write down.

I am just happy that something occupied him for more than 30 minutes!

spreading the smitty word