Thursday, March 29, 2007

Finger Quotes

Last week, I noticed Smith doing finger quotes. That's right "finger quotes." In mid-sentence, Smith raised both hands, formed peace signs with his fingers, looked me right in the eyes, and uttered a phrase while simultaneously bending his fingers. Yes, finger quotes.

Although Smith's keen observation skills allowed him to catch on to the finger quotes phenomenon, Smith failed to master their proper usage. I have seen him use finger quotes in three situations, all incorrect.

1. When he thinks you didn't hear him the first time. (E.g., "Dad, I said I wanted a (open finger quote) QUE-SUH-DEE-UH (close finger quote)."
2. When he is telling a secret. (E.g., In the softest voice Smith can muster, which isn't very soft at all, "(open finger quote) Dad, just take my pull-up off and (fingers still bending and extending) put on my Batman underwear (still going) without Mommy seeing us (close finger quote)."
3. When he experiences extreme excitement. (E.g., "Yes! Dad, we (open finger quote) KILLED (close finger quote) the bad guy!")

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I keep thinking this can't get any funnier, but here I am, once again, wiping away tears of laughter. WHERE did you get this kid? I love him so! You're a great daddy, Adam.

spreading the smitty word