Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Evolution of Art

It is another ordinary day, another blank page, another random assortment of markers. Smith selects a marker and begins furiously moving his arm, back and forth, pressing as hard as he can. He stops. He realizes he can do more than just dig this marker into the paper until it bleeds through, staining Mom's eggshell white table. He draws two circles. He pauses. A light bulb turns on. "Those are eyes! I can draw eyes!" He adds two small dots as pupils. What is next? A mouth, yes, he draws a mouth. But this is only the beginning."Mom, Dad, I can draw a cat!" He is on to the next blank paper and the next marker. He begins his oeuvre. He begins to draw his cat, and provides verbal play-by-play of each step; "First I draw the eyes, then the mouth, then the head," et cetera. The astute observer will also see whiskers, ears, a tail, fierce claws, and two disjointed legs.
When the work is complete, Smith tilts his head back and rubs his chin, "I think this is a mouse. Squeek! Squeek!"

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh my gosh - that is pretty incredible. What a first drawing! Chase did a drawing the other day of himself and a his friend Cameron. He insisted on mailing it to Cameron. So Cameron recieved a white page with two yellow blobs on it. But hey, it sure is fun to see them start to put things down on paper. I just love those pictures.

spreading the smitty word