Friday, April 24, 2009

Celebrity Look-alike?

Smith: "Hey Mom, when my friends come over tomorrow, we're going to play Kung Fu Panda. I'm going to be the Master (surprise, surprise), John can be Monkey, Mitchell can be the mean Tiger, and Dillon can be Crane. Oh yeah and Lainey can be Tigress. Who do you want to be?"

Mom: "I want to be the Old Turtle guy that knows everything."

Smith: "Um, Mom. How 'bout you can be Po. 'Cause he has a really big belly. Hey can you
bounce stuff off your belly too?"


Sheri said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE it! Too bad we're not in the same state. We could take belly pics together!

Paige said...

You so do not have a big belly! But he is a funny kid to say that.

spreading the smitty word