Tuesday, January 8, 2008

You might have gotten your kid too much for Christmas if. . .

when he opens a gift that contains clothes, he reacts by turning around and throwing the item into the corner of the room while exclaiming, "NOT A TOY!" and then he turns around and says, in a way that is more of an assertion than a request, "I can open the big one now?" Next year, I'm taking him to the soup kitchen.


Rachel said...

I think it only took until 10 in the morning on Christmas day for Chase to ask when Christmas was coming again. And he's asked it every day since. Do I need to get a 365-day-long advent calendar?

Doug and Merrill said...

Ah, yes. I vividly remember clothes being thrown your direction all morning long. At least he likes the toys and he'll look good while playing with them.

spreading the smitty word