Sunday, May 18, 2008

Smithen Hawking

Last night, Smith came with me to pick up Megan the babysitter. I asked Megan what she had done that day, and she said that she went on a bike ride through the golf course. Smith piped up from the back seat, "My dad was at the golf course today." I had indeed been to the golf course on a run, but hadn't told Smith. I turned around and asked Smith, "How did you know that?" Smith replied, "My brain told me dad. I have a really big brain." Megan and I exchanged glances. The following exchange ensued:

Me: "Really? How big is your brain?"
Smith: "My brain is as big as space."
Me: "Wow. That's pretty big. But I think my brain is bigger."
Smith: "How big?"
Me: "My brain is as big as infinity."
Smith: "Dad, space and infinity are the same."


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spreading the smitty word