Sunday, August 26, 2007

Bug bite

I came home from work the other day and tout de suite went about the usual routine of kicking off my shoes, untucking my shirt and bracing myself for immediate impact from a charging Smith . . . when I noticed something. Smith's right ear was about twice the size as his left. Not his entire ear, but the top of his ear was red and had ballooned like Martin Short in "Pure Luck," Will Smith in "Hitch" or that guy's pierced tongue in "Rat Race."

"Woah! Smith!" I said, "What the heck happened to your ear?"

Smith immediately lowered his head and covered the offending ear with his hand, hiding it from my view. "It got swallowed."

"What?" I asked.

"It got swallowed dad. A bug bit my ear, and swallowed it."

(Moment of stupor)

"Whit, what happened to Smith's ear?" I needed a second opinion. "A bug bit his ear, and now it is swollen," said my disturbingly indifferent wife.


Seriously, life must be so confusing for three-year-olds.


Rachel said...

Hey - that exact same thing happened to Chase yesterday. He got out of bed and the top half of his ear was totally "Hitch." That's exactly what I thought. Unfortunately, it was also all over his cheek. I think a bug got him too, but he scratched like crazy. I benadryled him, and found out that it doesn't make him sleepy in the slightest. Great.

whit said...

Adam, you are Smith's voice on the web and I need to hear it! I read a few of these posts to my parents over the phone and couldn't stop laughing and had to tell them to go and read them themselves. Please don't silence Smith again. And if you want, I will see if I can get you a deal on the ruffly pink shirt.

spreading the smitty word